El nuevo trabajo reinventado:
el concepto Dauphin Workheart.

Ya sea teletrabajando, de vuelta a la oficina o el nuevo trabajo: estas ideas nos acompañan desde ya hace tiempo. Sin embargo, ¿qué concepto nos hará avanzar hacia el futuro? O, mejor dicho: Work next?

Con la agencia de innovación Darkhorse, hemos desarrollado un enfoque para el mundo laboral de hoy, mañana y más allá que tenga en cuenta, por igual, las expectativas y necesidades de las empresas y plantillas, y que ofrezca perspectivas a medida para una cultura laboral de éxito.

En el centro está la oficina: así mismo, lo has oído bien. Estamos convencidos de que el trabajo híbrido ha llegado para quedarse. Pero, por eso, creemos que el despacho del futuro como centro físico de la empresa será más necesario que nunca.

Dauphin Workheart equilibra la productividad y eficiencia (= Work) con la emocionalidad, autenticidad y pasión (= Heart).
Más sobre el New Work y Dauphin Workheart.

Ready to work next?

1. El deseo del personal.

A la gente le gusta ir a la oficina para trabajar sola concentrada, y también en equipo para interactuar de manera espontánea y experimentar la cultura empresarial.

2. La prioridad del empleador.

El empleador quiere ser atractivo para captar a nuevos empleados y también para fidelizarlos a largo plazo. Busca el aumento del potencial de innovación y creatividad como clara ventaja comparativa.

¿Su personal debería estar más motivado y satisfecho?           Consulta

Cómo lo logramos:


Pensamos en tres categorías sociales y no áreas relacionadas con la actividad.



¡Trabajar, llamar y también relajarse a solas y en paz!

¡Colaborar, interactuar y divertirse en equipo!

¡Encontrarse con todo el mundo, socializar y sentirse en comunidad!


Trabajar concentrado, así como relajarse, en el Bosse cube 4.0 que se puede reservar. El aislamiento acústico y visual está garantizado.

Me Space

Un espacio de trabajo personal fijo para trabajar en paz y concentrado. Con trayectos cortos hasta la base del equipo para la interacción creativa.


Un acogedor espacio sensorial con privacidad para reuniones, así como para comer, beber y relajarse. Para sentir la cultura corporativa.

Music Lounge

Un retiro agradable para una pausa creativa o para una jam session espontánea.

Team Base

La base del equipo es el puerto de amarre del equipo. Flexible y adaptable, según el tamaño del equipo.

Project Base

Espacio experimental y divertido para brainstorming creativo y talleres. Máxima flexibilidad y disponible para todos los equipos.

Hybrid Meet

El Bosse dialogue cube se puede reservar para videollamadas, charlas confidenciales o reuniones breves. Así no se molesta a los colegas del Team Base.


El lugar para una bienvenida cordial y un café en el mostrador. Ambiente de bar y agradable hospitalidad.

Welcome, Lounge, Bistro

Un popular y querido punto de encuentro para la interacción espontánea, reuniones cortas o simplemente relajarse y tomar un café. ¡Aquí todo el mundo es bienvenido!

The Beach

Un área experiencial para la escucha y el aprendizaje. Con mobiliario flexible y ágil para seminarios, talleres o presentaciones.


El Heart Bar es el corazón de la empresa. El lugar donde la plantilla se trata de igual a igual y se percibe el sentimiento de comunidad.


El lugar de trabajo al aire libre para la interacción informal y espontánea, reuniones cortas o simplemente relajarse y tomar un helado o café.

¿Su oficina debería convertirse en un espacio sensorial?         Consulta

Conozca en vivo
Dauphin Workheart.

En más de 450 m², le inspiraremos con espacios extraordinarios y detalles llenos de estilo. Los productos de exclusivos socios colaboradores completan el concepto global.

Dauphin Workheart Space Frankfurt
Strahlenbergerstraße 110
63067 Offenbach
Se pueden concertar citas vía
dhdc.frankfurt@dauphin.de o
+49 69 98558288-650


FAQs about new work.


Delve into the world of new work and read our FAQs to learn about the latest trends and gain a deeper understanding of the constantly changing world of work.

Our list of FAQs is regularly updated and expanded. If you have a specific question that is not answered here, feel free to contact us.

The office with permanent individual workstations is no longer fit for the future. Hybrid working at different locations and from home is now an established part of everyday work. What this means for companies is spaces need to be reimagined and restructured so that each company can remain fit for the future and thrive in the market. This requires an integrated concept and an expert partner that can help with the implementation of this concept from start to finish. This is why, to meet the demand of the market, we developed Dauphin Workheart.

What is completely different is the way that the space is split into the three categories of ME, TEAM and FAMILY. Instead of focusing, as was previously the case, on each specific work task, Dauphin Workheart is all about delivering the desired level of social interaction, transforming the space “from super private to super social”.

A representative online survey of 1,032 employees in Germany conducted in March 2022 by Great Place to Work® and IHK-Impulsnetzwerk reveals interesting aspects of why employees in hybrid work models enjoy returning to their workplaces in companies.

At the top of the motivation factors for returning to the office, 74% of respondents mentioned the need for focused and uninterrupted work, followed by the desire for personal contact with colleagues (70%).

Remote work, therefore, does not mean that the demands on the workplace within the company decrease. Instead, employees come with very specific needs to the company. Both concentrated work and interaction with colleagues and collaboration should continue to be possible on-site.

Why on-site workplaces are important for hybrid workers

In the future, it will not be sufficient to reduce the role of working in the company solely to a meeting and collaboration function. Employees who prefer a hybrid work model not only want to work in a concentrated manner but also seek contact and professional exchange with colleagues. Only employees who exclusively want to work remotely consider the social aspect less important. Especially executives, younger employees, and colleagues who are new to the company will be more frequently present in the office. Employees aged 18 to 25 would like to work in a hybrid manner, but 56% of them wish for the emphasis to be on office presence. Thus, the company becomes a place for networking and cultural recharging.

Source: 2022, Representative survey of employees in Germany by Great Place to Work® and IHK-Impulsnetzwerk, Hybrid Work - Here to Stay

The term New Work was coined at the end of the 1970s by the Austrian-American social philosopher Prof. Dr. Frithjof Bergmann. Today it describes the structural change taking place in our world of work. This is attributable, among other things, to digitisation, globalisation and the development of artificial intelligence, which are opening up completely new opportunities and possibilities for the way that work is performed and organised.

In many sectors, some jobs are being lost entirely due to the automation of processes. At the same time, there is a significant lack of skilled workers to do jobs that did not even exist until only recently. This situation is presenting entirely new challenges for companies. Only those companies that take the issue of new work seriously will be able to thrive long into the future. What this actually looks like in practice depends on each particular company. This is because new work is not just an off-the-shelf solution: Every company has its own specific needs and challenges that are dictated by its customers, the competition, its products or services, its employees, work processes and its own approach to the future.

New work is a term that is used to describe the changes in the world of work that are happening because of the advance of technology and digitisation. It is all about changing and improving the way we work to be more productive and satisfied.

New work focuses on the needs of employees and on creating a work environment that promotes flexibility, creativity and cooperation. It is about breaking down the barriers between work and leisure and achieving a better work/life balance.

It also involves using technology to optimise work processes and improve communication and collaboration. Remote working, flexible working hours and the use of digital tools are some of the key factors behind new work.

In practice, new work means that companies need to adapt their culture, processes and technology to support these new ways of working.

Hybrid work is an approach in which the experience of work is adapted to suit the employees and their location. This means they can work at the company's offices, at other locations or on the go. What is more, hybrid work promotes inclusion, integration and the health of the whole workforce.

A hybrid work model allows all employees at all levels of the company to work both in the office and remotely. Depending on their requirements, they may switch regularly between different work environments to suit the particular circumstances.

Hybrid work gives employees more of a say over where and how they work. Regardless of their location, they can be certain of reliable cooperation with others and a high level of productivity. How flexibly and often employees can switch between working on and off site will depend on the company and on the specific tasks and duties that each employee has.

Not having to work in the office but being able to work from home, a third place or even another country makes it much easier to achieve the right work/life balance and gives employees much more freedom. During the coronavirus crisis, more people than ever worked from home – this meant that remote work finally became mainstream and this will have a lasting impact on the world of work.

Remote work, also known as telecommuting or teleworking, refers to a work arrangement in which an employee or worker performs their job duties outside of a traditional office environment. This typically involves working from home or another remote location, using digital technologies such as video conferencing, email, and instant messaging to stay connected with coworkers and complete tasks. Remote work can be either full-time or part-time, and may be offered as an option by employers as a way to provide flexibility and work-life balance to their employees.

Agile work is a working method or approach that aims to promote flexibility, adaptability, and collaboration in a work environment. It was originally developed in the field of software development but has since gained importance in other areas and industries.

At its core, agile work is about breaking down complex projects or tasks into smaller, manageable parts that can be worked on in short time frames, also known as "sprints." Instead of creating a comprehensive and rigid project plan, the focus is on the continuous delivery of results. This allows for flexible responses to changes and new requirements.

Agile work is based on the principles of the Agile Manifesto, which emphasizes collaboration in self-organized teams, close interaction with customers or users, iterative development, and regular feedback. There are various methods of agile work, such as Scrum, Kanban, or Extreme Programming (XP), each with their own specific approaches and tools.

The benefits of agile work lie in increased flexibility, faster response times to changes, greater transparency, improved teamwork, and continuous improvement of results. It enables closer involvement of customers or users in the development process and helps ensure that products or services are better aligned with their needs.

Design Thinking encompasses various methods and tools that can be applied during the process to support creative problem solving. Here are some commonly used methods in Design Thinking:

Empathy Maps: Empathy maps support a better understanding of the needs, desires, and behaviours of users or customers. They enable taking their perspective and gaining deeper insights into their experiences and challenges.

User Interviews: Personal interviews with users or customers can gather valuable information. Open-ended questions and active listening help capture needs, opinions, and feedback.

Brainstorming: Brainstorming is a creative technique where team members freely generate ideas and solutions. There are various methods of brainstorming, such as free brainstorming, categorical brainstorming, or the SCAMPER method, where existing ideas are modified or combined.

Prototyping: Prototyping involves creating simple, tangible representations of ideas or solutions. These can be sketches, models, storyboards, or even functional prototypes. Prototypes allow testing, validating, and further developing ideas.

User Testing: User testing involves testing prototypes or solutions with actual users or customers. Through observation, feedback, and discussions, weaknesses can be identified and improvements made.

Iteration: Iteration is a fundamental part of the Design Thinking process. It involves continuously reviewing, adjusting, and improving ideas or solutions based on feedback and new insights. Iteration allows gradually approaching the best possible solution.

It is important to note that Design Thinking is not a strictly linear process, and not all methods need to be applied in every phase. The selection of methods depends on the specific requirements and context of the project. The Design Thinking approach encourages experimentation and adapting methods to meet individual needs and challenges.

Dauphin Workheart.
Todo lo que necesita.

Dauphin Workheart


Home@Office Emo


Home@Office People


Home@Office Detail


Me Space Emo


Me Space People


Homezone Emo


Homezone People


Music Lounge Emo


Music Lounge People


Team Base Emo


Team Base People 01


Team Base People 02


Team Base People 03


Project Base Emo 01


Project Base Emo 02


Project Base People 01


Project Base People 02


Reception Emo


Reception People


Reception People Detail


Welcome, Lounge, Bistro Emo


Welcome, Lounge, Bistro Emo Detail


Welcome, Lounge, Bistro People


The Beach Emo


The Beach People


Heartbar Emo


Heartbar People


Outdoor People


ME Home@Office .dwg


ME Me Space .dwg


ME Homezone .dwg


ME Music Lounge .dwg


TEAM Team Base .dwg


TEAM Project Base .dwg


FAMILY Reception .dwg


FAMILY Welcome, Lounge, Bistro .dwg


FAMILY The Beach .dwg


FAMILY Heartbar .dwg


FAMILY Outdoor .dwg


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